Jibe News

ISO/IEC 27001: 2023 certification as a group for Our NL & RO Offices



In 2019, JIBE NL successfully integrated its Information Security Management System (ISMS) and obtained the ISO/IEC 27001: 2013(E) certification.

Last year, having conquered 99% of this ambitious goal, we aimed to achieve ISO/IEC 27001: 2023 for both offices, NL and RO, as a commitment to Information Security excellence. At the beginning of 2024, our efforts were rewarded by achieving this certification.

Relevance of ISO/IEC 27001: 2023 certification

In the modern era, safeguarding information has surged to the forefront of organizational concerns across all sectors. The swiftly changing landscape presents numerous hurdles, including cybersecurity threats, privacy issues, and the persistent menace of malware and ransomware. To effectively address these challenges, organizations must reassess their situation, identify primary risks and threats, and involve relevant stakeholders through a structured and dependable approach.

ISO/IEC 27001: 2023 offers a valuable roadmap for navigating these challenges, ensuring the implementation of appropriate security measures to protect digital assets and customer data. Organizations pursuing ISO/IEC 27001: 2023 certification must demonstrate adherence to the standard's requirements and proficiently implement tailored security controls to align with their unique needs and risk tolerance.

Importance of ISO/IEC 27001: 2023 certification for JIBE

Securing ISO/IEC 27001: 2023 certification is paramount for JIBE, signifying our credibility within the IT sector and affirming our unwavering dedication to conducting business with the highest level of seriousness. As custodians of our clients' invaluable data, this certification provides them with the peace of mind that their information is safeguarded under our watch. In today's data-centric landscape, where security concerns loom large, JIBE is resolute in showcasing our pledge to prioritize the protection of our clients' sensitive data.

With ISO/IEC 27001: 2023 certification in hand, JIBE pledges to uphold the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of all information within our organization. This certification serves as a testament to our commitment to our clients and partners, assuring them of our steadfast dedication to safeguarding their data.

We have implemented stringent safeguards and controls, underpinned by meticulously crafted policies, procedures, and technical measures encompassing software and equipment. These measures establish a robust framework that adheres to the highest standards of data security, fostering trust and bolstering relationships with our clients and partners alike.

Our entire team has undergone meticulous preparation to uphold the information security standards encapsulated in ISO/IEC 27001:2023. This includes comprehensive online training sessions on information security, complemented by informative materials elucidating security practices. To gauge the efficacy of our training initiatives, we conduct internal assessments and foster discussions on security protocols. Through this comprehensive approach, JIBE underscores its steadfast commitment to maintaining a secure environment and cultivating a culture of heightened information security awareness across our organization.


Some of the aspects we tackled in our training on information security include: IT Security Policy, Clear Desk Policy & Laptop Security Policy, Passwords Policy, Security Risks and GDPR, Incident Management Policy, Access Control Policy, Secure Development, Handling personal data and client data, etc


By embracing the ISO/IEC 27001:2023 standards, JIBE showcases our unwavering commitment to information security, reflecting the trust and assurance we instill in every interaction. This dedication stems from our foundational values of trustworthiness, professionalism, and reliability, providing our partners with the confidence that their data is safeguarded with the highest level of care and protection.

When you opt for JIBE, rest assured that your invaluable information is entrusted to a team that genuinely cares, ensuring its safety and security at every step!

#InformationSecurity #ISO/IEC 27001:2023 #JIBE #PoweredbyJibe #Trustworthiness